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Published in , 2019
The environment is the most sought-after topic for discussion in global forums because of the alarming threat it faces. Waste Management is one of the major challenges after global warming that affects the environment and harmony of nature. Government and non-governmental organisations are working towards solutions for better waste management. Though in present-day technology is part of waste management, it is not an integral part of waste management in many countries. Current technology only helps in reducing manual intervention by automating waste collection and transportation. It also helps in the disposal of non-useful waste and recycles/reuse useful waste by converting them into raw materials. People are the major part of the waste management cycle, so without their involvement, it is extremely difficult to make any technology-based system successful. People’s involvement in waste management would increase if they are incentivized for proper segregation of wastes, reusing, recycling, disposal and even for spreading awareness. The supportive technology should automatically monitor waste management cycle, record important actions and react accordingly.
Recommended citation: Gopalakrishnan, Preethi, and R. Ramaguru. "Blockchain based waste management." International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 8.5 (2019): 2632-2635.